This page describes the sub pages Workpackage List, Target Groups and Define Periods.
In addition to the project description, all projects are requested to submit a description of the different work packages that the partnership has developed to structure their activities. The information entered in this section will form the basis for the project monitoring.
Two standard work packages have been pre-defined:
- Work package 1, “Project Management”, consist of operational and strategy activities such as governance, daily management of the project and reporting and monitoring. Note: To edit the work package, click on the magnifying glass.
- Work package 2, “Communication activities”, consists of external communication, and all other tasks associated with the project’s outward project communication activities, dissemination tools, and associated communication deliverables. Please see chapter 2 of the Programme Manual for a list of mandatory and recommended communication tools you should include in your work package description. Note: to activate the Work Package Communication, please click on the + sign.
Work packages 3-7 are project specific, and should include descriptions of all other activities. In eMS, these implementation work packages are named T1, 2, 3…
After filling in the work packages, a Gantt chart will appear at the bottom of this page. This is considered to be an indicative plan and the Joint Secretariat will exercise flexibility (within reasonable limits) when monitoring project activities.
Work Package Management
Question |
Instructions |
Programme Manual section |
Partners | ||
Select the WP Responsible Partner |
Please choose the partner responsible for the Work Package from the list. |
2.3 |
Select Partners Involved |
Please select other partners involved. |
2.3 |
Description | ||
Describe how the management on the strategic and operational level will be carried out. |
Please describe briefly the project management structure, and give some insight into the decision making structure. |
2.3 |
Activity A.M.1… (autonumber) | ||
Activity Title |
Activities in this work package should consist of internal communication, and all other tasks associated with the Lead Partner and / or Co Lead Partner coordination of the overall project administration. Some of the common tasks associated with this Work Package include coordinating the drafting of the progress reports and final reports and organising the claim procedures for the project partnership, as well as acting as the responsible partner for all reporting. The Lead Partner and/ or the Co Lead Partner is normally the internal contact body for questions within the project partnership and is the main contact point for the Joint Secretariat. |
2.1.3 |
Start Date |
Enter the envisaged start date for the activity |
End Date |
Enter the envisaged end date for the activity. |
Activity Description | ||
Description |
Please give a brief description of the activity. In case of partner meetings and other project events, please indicate where they are envisaged to take place. |
Deliverable D.M.1 + Target Value + Month |
The NPA does not require deliverables inside the work package Management. It is optional to use these fields. |
Add Activity |
Click on this button to add more activities. |
Work Page Communication
Question |
Instructions |
Programme Manual section |
Partners | ||
Select the WP Responsible Partner |
Please choose the partner responsible for the Work Package from the list. |
2.3 |
Select Partners Involved |
Please select other partners involved. |
2.3 |
Summary | ||
Describe how the communication activities will be carried out in the project, on the strategic and operational level. |
Please describe briefly the project’s approach towards external communication with the main project stakeholders and the wider public. |
2.3 3.6.1 |
Activity A.C.1... (autonumber) | ||
Activity Title |
The system has pre-defined a number of communication activities. We expect as a minimum: public events, promotional materials, and publications. Please see the Programme Manual for recommended and mandatory communication activities. |
2.3.1 |
Start Date |
Enter the envisaged start date for the activity |
End Date |
Enter the envisaged end date for the activity. |
Activity Description | ||
Description |
Please give a brief description of the activity. |
Deliverable D.C.1… (autonumber) |
Please only list the major deliverables such as brochures, websites, etc. |
Title |
Deliverable title |
Target Value |
How many deliverables does the project plan to deliver? |
Description |
Give a brief description of the deliverable. |
Delivery Month |
Indicate the month when the deliverable is expected to be available. |
Add Deliverable |
Click on this button to add more deliverables under this activity. |
Add Activity |
Click on this button to add more activities. |
Work Package Implementation – Project Specific
Question |
Instructions |
Programme Manual section |
Title |
Please give a short title to the Work Package. |
2.3 |
Partners | ||
Select the WP Responsible Partner |
Please choose the partner responsible for the Work Package from the list. |
2.3 |
Select Partners Involved |
Please select other partners involved. |
2.3 |
Summary Implementation | ||
Please give a summary description of the work package and its objective. Please specify to which project objective it contributes. |
It is important that the reader of the application understands the purpose of the work package to achieve the overall project objectives. |
Main Outputs | ||
Output O.T1.1… (autonumber) |
Projects are expected to deliver viable products and services, whose impact should contribute to programme level results. Each of the Priority axis have been designed to focus project applicants on delivering tangible, durable outputs, assisting the delivery of the programme’s ambitions of measurable positive changes in the Programme area. Each project's intended results and outputs are expected to facilitate the changes sought by the NPA Programme. Please only list viable products/services according to Programme Manual section 2.2, and NOT other deliverables. |
2.2 |
Title |
Please give a short title for the product or service |
Define the product/service that will be developed by the end of the project. |
It is important that the reader of the application understands what viable outputs the project will deliver. |
Output indicator: choose the corresponding output Indicator, to which the product/service will contribute. |
Programme Output indicators have been developed to express and measure project outputs. They are dependent on the selected Priority Axis. All Output indicators are collected at project level and aggregated at programme level. |
2.4.2 |
Date |
Indicate the month when the output is expected to be available. |
Quantity |
Quantify the contribution to the
output indicator. This is a target value for the entire project. Note: one product or service
delivered in several programme partner countries is still considered as one,
please do not double count! Please see the Programme Manual for expected targets at programme level. |
Target Groups | ||
Please select the target group(s): who will use the main project output(s) listed above? |
List envisaged target groups for the main project output(s). |
How will you involve target groups (and other stakeholders) in the development of the main project outputs? |
Describe briefly how your project will involve target groups (and other stakeholders) in the development of the project main products and services. Please note that we expect you to build stakeholder engagement into the project, e.g. in your (associated) partnership, through your communications work package, or if relevant, by having a work package dedicated to industry interface, if your envisaged end users are the private sector. |
Durability And Transferability Of Main Outputs | ||
How will the project ensure that any project output listed above and its results have a lasting effect beyond project duration? | Describe expected concrete measures to be taken during and after project implementation to ensure the durability of the project’s outputs and results. |
1.3.3 1.4 |
How will the project ensure any project output listed above and its results are applicable and replicable by other organisations/regions/countries outside of the current partnership? | Please describe to what extent it will be possible to transfer the outputs and results to other organisations/regions/countries outside of the current partnership. | 1.3.3 |
Activity A.T1.1… (autonumber) | ||
Activity Title |
Please give a short title to the activity |
Start Date |
Enter the envisaged start date for the activity |
End Date |
Enter the envisaged end date for the activity. |
Activity Description | ||
Description |
Please give a brief description of the activity. |
Deliverable D.T.1.1… (autonumber) |
Please only list the major milestone deliverables, such as studies, reports, etc. |
Title |
Deliverable title |
Target Value |
How many deliverables does the project plan to deliver? |
Description |
Give a brief description of the deliverable. |
Delivery Month |
Indicate the month when the deliverable is expected to be available. |
Add Deliverable |
Click on this button to add more deliverables under this activity. |
Add Activity |
Click on this button to add more activities. |
Please describe briefly the role of each partner |
This section should give some insight in the division of work inside the work package. |
Please describe how this work package connects to or has interdependencies with other work packages. |
This section should give some insight how this work package fits together with the other work packages. |
Section: Target Groups
Question |
Instructions |
Programme Manual section |
Target Groups (automatically taken from target groups selected inside the work packages) | ||
Description |
You can use this field to specify the target group category, such as. a particular field, geography, demographic group, etc. |
Target Value |
This field is optional. If you can give an indication of the size of the target group, you can enter it here. |
Section: Define Periods
In this section, the reporting periods
for the project are automatically calculated on the basis of your project start and end date. The standard reporting period is 6 months. A 36-month
main project has 6 reporting periods. Important: the
reporting periods form the basis for the project budget.
Please click Save to confirm the periods. Note: if changing the project start or end date, please click Recalculate Periods to refresh the reporting periods accordingly. Please check that the reporting deadlines are correct: 3 months after the end of a reporting period. For the final report, the deadline is the same date as the project end date!