This page describes the sub pages Project Relevance, Project Focus, Project Context, and Horizontal Principles.

Section: Project Relevance



Programme Manual section

Territorial Challenge

What are the common territorial challenges that will be tackled by the project?

When describing the project’s relevance, demonstrate that the project is relevant for all partner areas by taking into account the level of ‘maturity in the field of intervention’. In addition, describe how the project will base its outputs on stakeholders needs and how stakeholder involvement during the project is envisaged.


Project Approach

What is the project’s approach in addressing these common challenges and/ or joint opportunities and what is new about the approach that the project takes?

Describe new solutions which will be developed during the project and/or existing solutions that will be adapted and implemented during the project lifetime, and in what way the approach goes beyond existing practice in the sector/ programme area/ participating countries as they relate to the NPA overall strategy.


Cooperation Reason

Why is transnational cooperation needed to achieve the project’s objectives and result?

Describe what benefits the project partners/target groups/project area gain in taking a transnational approach. Consider how the project applies principles such as joint development, financing, implementation, and staffing. 





Section: Project Focus



Programme Manual section

Specific Objective ... (automatically shows selected specific objective)

How will the project results contribute to changes sought by the programme?

Demonstrate awareness of the result sought by the Programme and describe how your project will contribute to it. 


Result Indicator

Select the programme result your project is contributing to

This field is automatically linked to your selected specific objective



Project Main Result

Specify the project main result(s) and describe its contribution to the programme result indicator.

Demonstrate how the project results contribute to the programme’s result indicators.




Project Objectives

Project Objective Title

Give a short title for your project objective


Project Objective Explanation

Describe the project objectives ensuring they are in line with your project's main result(s).


Add Project Objective

Click to add a new project objective


Environmental Indicator

Please describe your project’s contribution to the environmental indicator for the Priority Axis. On the basis of the Strategic Environmental Assessment carried out of the NPA 2014 - 2020, 4 environmental indicators were developed to monitor the Programme’s impact on the environment, one for each Priority Axis. 2.4.3

Section: Project Context



Programme Manual section

Project Context

Is the project part of regional/national strategies and policies? Is the project part of wider strategies and policies?

Please describe the project’s contribution to relevant strategies and policies; in particular, those concerning the project or programme area. Also consider existing synergies with past or current regional or national projects.

If applicable what concrete measures does the project take to align with Macro Regional Strategies, specifically the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region?



Please describe your project’s synergies with projects funded by other programmes or initiatives and, or if the project draws on the experience of previously funded projects.

If applicable, consider where this project is positioned in relation to other potential funding streams? Is this project part of a longer term strategy to advance the results through other available funding streams?


Section: Horizontal Principles

The horizontal principles must be incorporated in every project and at all stages; from project design and delivery, through to project evaluation. Understanding and demonstrating equality issues and sustainability is highly relevant to all applicants and will influence the assessment process.


Please note that the horizontal principles are named differently in the Programme Manual. Sustainable Development is called “Environmental Sustainability”, and Equal Opportunity “Inclusion and Diversity”.



Programme Manual section

Sustainable Development (environment)

Please list your project’s contributions to the horizontal principle, and indicate whether your choice is neutral or positive.


Equal opportunity and non-discrimination

Please list your project’s contributions to the horizontal principle, and indicate whether your choice is neutral or positive.


Equality between men and women

Please list your project’s contributions to the horizontal principle, and indicate whether your choice is neutral or positive.
